Steve fs blunt shovit out, Cochrane Photo Dean Jones and Jason Wright
Wes pop shovit 50, Cochrane Photo Dean Jones and Jason Wright
Ben, switch fakie pop Photo. Grim
Grim, bs 180 mute Photo. Dave Roberts
Dave, bs smith, Beatchs mini Photo. Grim
Dave, nollie inward heelflip bs tail, Beatchs mini Photo. Grim
Dave, Big Oliy, Beatchs mini Photo. Grim
Dean, fs 180 mute transfer, Beatchs mini Photo. Grim
Dean, rock'n'roll, Beatchs mini Photo. Grim
Dean, handplant extension, Beatchs mini Photo.Grim
Steve, switch big spin, Calgary CBD Photo. Matt Sawers
Steve, switch big spin, Calgary CBD Photo. Matt Sawers
Steve, fs 5.0, Calgary CBD Photo. Matt Sawers
Riley, nose slide, Medicine Hat Photo. Andrew Beatch
Ben, Kickflip gap, Cochrane Photo. Grim
Jason, pop drop, Airdrie Photo. Dean Woodgate
Ben, Oliy pyramid gap, Airdrie Photo. Dean Wooodgate
Ben Gillies, front board, UOC rail Photo. Kyp-Jean Simon Chung
Ben, Kickflip gap, Cochrane Photo. Grim
Jason, pop drop, Airdrie Photo. Dean Woodgate
Ben, Oliy pyramid gap, Airdrie Photo. Dean Wooodgate
Ben Gillies, front board, UOC rail Photo. Kyp-Jean Simon Chung
Levi, bs 180 50, Shredz comp Cochrane Photo. Deano Jones
Wes, pop shovit 50, Shredz comp Cochrane Photo. Deano Jones Lane, inward heelflip, Shredz comp Cochrane Photo. Deano Jones
T-Bone, frontside flip, Shredz comp Cochrane Photo. Deano Jones
Riley, Stezee bs boardslide, Shredz comp Cochrane Photo. Deano Jones
Wes, bs smith, Shredz comp Cochrane Photo. Deano Jones
Steve, bs lipslide, Shredz comp Cochrane Photo. Deano Jones